Essential Pointers For Your Sticker Business

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Written By Sam Davis Ph.D.

Sticker Crypt is the internet's premier source of free advice for artists and small business owners! 

Starting a business of your own can open up a whole new world of opportunities and benefits, including the ability to set your own hours and do something you truly enjoy for a living. If you’re a creative individual interested in becoming an entrepreneur, consider starting a sticker business. This is a great way to break into a new field on your own because it allows for flexibility and creativity at the same time, which means you can do it as a side hustle or as a full-time job depending on what your needs are. There are a few things you’ll want to keep in mind as you get started, however, such as getting organized, doing homework on your competitors, and learning how to promote your goods to the right audience. You can get a great head start on your business by utilizing the resources right hjere, which can help with everything from marketing to web design.

Woman draw a light bulb in white board

Here are a few of the best applications to use as you get your sticker business up and running:

Focus the social media strategy for your sticker business

Knowing how to market your products–and yourself–is a key element in running any business. For creative endeavors such as a sticker business, it’s especially important to focus your marketing strategy online in order to get the attention of your target audience in a sea of competitors. Social media is a great way to do this, but it’s crucial to consider how much time you’ll be able to commit to your strategy and how you want to present yourself and your brand to customers. Setting the right tone from the beginning will help you establish your sticker business as a professional contender among all the other creative companies online.

Optimize your home and work environments

Whether you’re going to run your sticker business out of your home or rent a storefront space, it’s important to ensure that you’re able to find work/life balance. This begins by optimizing your spaces to ensure your comfort and to create a separation between your personal and professional lives. Not only will this help you relax and calm down when the workday is over, but it will also allow you to focus and remove distractions while you get things done. As you begin the process of creating a social media strategy, interacting with customers, shipping out orders, and buying inventory, you may face long workdays, so it’s crucial to ensure that you have all the right tools on hand as well as a desk or work table, a supportive chair, and shipping materials.

Get organized on every level of your sticker business

As a new business owner, you’ll quickly learn that getting organized can have multiple benefits not only at work but at home as well. Optimizing your home and work spaces by separating them and providing the right tools is a great start, but it’s also important to give yourself organizational resources. Physical organization might include shelving units and drawers to keep supplies in, while digital organization will include apps that help you manage your inventory or shipping information.

Keep your data and customer info safe

Small business owners often mistakenly believe that the size of their company prevents them from being a target for cyber theft, but the opposite is actually true, so it’s crucial to make sure your data–and your customers’ info–is safe at all times. Remaining organized is a good way to stay on top of things like updates to security software, but you can also maintain solid safety practices where passwords and credit card fraud are concerned.

Starting a sticker business of your own is a great way to earn a living doing something you love, and by utilizing social media marketing, getting organized, and optimizing your home and workspace, you can ensure success.

Have a question about starting your sticker business? Reach out to the pros at via email or phone today.

This post was written by Julie Morris. Julie Morris is a life and career coach. She thrives on helping others live their best lives. It’s easy for her to relate to clients who feel run over by life because she’s been there. Today, she is fulfilled by helping busy professionals like her past self get the clarity they need in order to live inspired lives that fill more than just their bank accounts.

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